16 Tips for An Effective Morning Routine

All the experts say a morning routine is critical for achieving success and happiness throughout your day. It makes sense that getting off to a productive and peaceful start increases your odds of success.

What is a Morning Routine?

A morning routine is a set of activities you do each morning to start your day on the right foot. These could include waking up at a specific time, making your bed, drinking water, stretching, meditating, eating breakfast, getting dressed, and starting your daily tasks. A consistent morning routine helps you stay focused, organized, and productive all day.

Here are 16 ideas to incorporate into your morning routine. We’d love to hear from you on the elements of your morning routine.

16 Morning Routine Tips

  1. Wake up early: Starting your day early gives you more time to dedicate to yourself and your goals.

  2. Exercise: Doing some form of exercise in the morning can help jump-start your metabolism and give you energy for the rest of the day.

  3. Water: Start your day with a big glass of water to start your day hydrated.

  4. Morning affirmations: Start your day with your mind on your side. Say or listen to affirmations targeted to to key goals.

  5. Eat a healthy breakfast: Eating a nutritious breakfast will help you stay energized and focused throughout the day.

  6. Make a to-do list: Writing down the tasks that you need to accomplish for the day can help you stay on track and organized.

  7. Plan out your day: Take a few minutes to plan out your day in advance and decide what needs to be done and when.

  8. Visualize: Get a clear picture in your mind of your best outcomes for the day and see yourself achieving them.

  9. Hot shower: Take a long shower. Really get into the experience. Feel the drops gently massaging. This can both relax and increase your focus. Use the time to map your day in your mind.

  10. Listen to uplifting or relaxing music: Put on some of your favorite tunes to get your energy level up.

  11. Meditate: Take some time to relax and focus on your breath.

  12. Spend time with loved ones: Make time for the people you care about in the morning.

  13. Take breaks throughout the day: Allow yourself to take a few moments to relax and reset during the day.

  14. Make time for yourself: Take some time to do something that you enjoy and that brings you joy.

  15. Communicate first thing: Put texts and emails to work for you first thing. If you need information or collaboration with a friend or colleague, send the communication first thing. This allows them to work on getting you the information, while you move onto other tasks.

  16. Hardest or Easiest tasks first: This one is a choose your adventure. Review your day and knock out the harder set tasks first, making the rest of your day relatively easy. Do your easiest tasks first to get your momentum going to tackle tougher tasks.