The Fear Affirmations Page

The Fear Affirmations Page

Back in 1987, Dr. Susan Jeffers released one of the most popular self-help books of the past 50 years - Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway.

I was feeling a lot of fear and pain and doubt in my life when I first came across this book about four years later. I had allowed those feelings to paralyze me in my life. I didn't have the career, relationship, or life experiences I wanted and knew I was capable of having. I had allowed one particular fear and the drama that grew up around it to deny me the life I deserved.

If you're not seeing the miracle you are because you're allowing your fears to cloud your sky, I highly recommend this book and its timeless message for dealing with the fear that has you stuck. I came across this outstanding review of the book explaining its key messages.

Fear Affirmations

Not every affirmation will resonate with you or align with your battle with fear. Choose the ones that do. Use them regularly to help shift your subconscious mind away from a focus on the fear.

  1. I own my fears. I navigate my fears. I turn my fears into something productive.

  2. I am bigger than any doubt, bolder than any fear, and stronger any obstacle!

  3. Love over fear is a choice and I choose it again every day.

  4. I have no fear of being awful at something. I have to be awful before I can be good. I have to be good before I be great.

  5. I refuse to be a slave to my fears. I focus on what is possible for me today.

  6. Day after day, love wins a resolute victory over fear in my life.

  7. My fears are just me forgetting who I really am. When I remember that, I am incapable of fear.

  8. I fear nothing. I fear no one. I am fearless.

  9. Fear of failure is the shortest route to it. I would rather fail than fail to start.

  10. I am courageously overcoming my fears one at a time.

  11. I refuse to let fear rule my life. I refuse to let fear win. Today I chart a path beyond my fears.

  12. Today I leave my fear behind and enter a new era of awakening and possibility in my life.

  13. Today I release my fear of impossible and embrace my belief in possible.

  14. When love stands up, fear stands down. Today love is standing up in my life.

  15. Every time I refuse to live in fear, I better myself and better the world.

  16. I choose empowerment over helplessness. I choose courage over fear.

  17. Today and every day, I live in hope not fear.

  18. My dreams are always bigger than my fears.