Dream Car Guided Meditation with Affirmations

Dream Car Guided Meditation with Affirmations


Dream Car Guided Meditation with Affirmations is a powerful tool to manifest your desired car. By visualizing and affirming your dream car, you can bring it into reality. Through this meditation, you can bring clarity to what kind of car you want and how you will get it. You will also be able to see the bigger picture of how owning that car will make your life better and easier. Dream Car Meditation helps you to focus on the goal and take actionable steps towards achieving it. With regular practice, this meditation can help you manifest your dream car in no time!

All affirmations are spoken in the first person and then repeated in the second person for maximum effect. If you like, repeat the affirmations as you listen to them.

Run Time: 9:57

Use: Daily for 21 days and then periodically thereafter until you have your car.


  1. Today, I am clearly visualizing my dream car.

  2. Today I’m taking steps to make my dream car mine.

  3. I see myself driving it and I feel how it feels to be behind the wheel.

  4. My dream car is coming to me right now.

  5. I can see the color of my dream car.

  6. I can feel the interior just as I like it.

  7. I can see the keys being placed into my hands.

  8. My dream car is now mine. I’ve earned this car and I deserve this car.

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Dream Car Guided Meditation with Affirmations

Dream Car Guided Meditation with Affirmations is a powerful tool to manifest your desired car. By visualizing and affirming your dream car, you can bring it into reality. Through this meditation, you can bring clarity to what kind of car you want and how you will get it. You will also be able to see the bigger picture of how owning that car will make your life better and easier. Dream Car Meditation helps you to focus on the goal and take actionable steps towards achieving it. With regular practice, this meditation can help you manifest your dream car in no time!

All affirmations are spoken in the first person and then repeated in the second person for maximum effect. If you like, repeat the affirmations as you listen to them.

Run Time: 9:57

Use: Daily for 21 days and then periodically thereafter until you have your car.


  1. Today, I am clearly visualizing my dream car.

  2. Today I’m taking steps to make my dream car mine.

  3. I see myself driving it and I feel how it feels to be behind the wheel.

  4. My dream car is coming to me right now.

  5. I can see the color of my dream car.

  6. I can feel the interior just as I like it.

  7. I can see the keys being placed into my hands.

  8. My dream car is now mine. I’ve earned this car and I deserve this car.

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