11 Ways to Eliminate Writer's Block + Writer's Block Affirmations

Writer's block is an annoying interruption in your writing process. We've all been there. If you're there right now, here are some tools to help shake you loose and get you back on track to completing your project.

  1. Take a Break: One of the best ways to overcome writer's block is to take a break from your work. Stepping away for a few minutes or hours clears your mind and lets you approach the problem with fresh ideas. 

  2. Change Your Environment: Your surroundings greatly influence your writing. Whether it's a different room in your house, a coffee shop, or the local park, try writing in a new place and see if it helps. Try a change of scenery to spark creativity.

  3. Positive Affirmations: Writer’s block is simply a combination of negative thoughts that keep you from writing. Affirmations are the perfect tool to reposition your thinking in a way that favors your writing success.

  4. Listen to Music: Music can help put us in a better mood, making writing easier. Try putting on a song you enjoy and see if it helps flow your creative juices.

  5. Read Something: Reading is the master inspiration for writing. Getting into the flow of another writer's work gives you back your feel for words and flow. Try reading a book or magazine article to get your mind thinking in a new way.

  6. Talk It Out: Talking to a friend or family member about your writing can help resolve your issues. They can offer a fresh perspective that you haven't considered before.

  7. Brainstorm: Brainstorming is a great way to develop new ideas and kickstart your creativity. Try writing down any ideas that come to mind, no matter how crazy they seem.

  8. Take a Walk: Fresh air can help clear your head and get your creative juices flowing. Walk around the block or find a nearby park to see if it helps.

  9. Exercise: Exercise is a great way to reduce stress and clear your head. Inspiration for writing often comes with physical exertion. Be sure you have a way to capture it when it comes.

  10. Try a Writing Prompt: A million writing prompts are online. Find one that aligns with your project, and go!

  11. Talk to Other Writers: Connecting with other writers can help you get motivated and can give you a better understanding of the writing process. Try joining a writer's group or connecting with other writers online. Their experiences let you know that you're not alone and this too shall pass.