12 Affirmations for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Every one of us has felt we don’t deserve what we have. We’ve had that nightmare where everyone finds out that we don’t have all the answers or were pushed forward by luck rather than skill. They call it Imposter Syndrome. It’s that constant fear that you’re not good enough, not worthy, or not as skilled as everyone else thinks you are.

These affirmations are written to help you overcome that limiting belief. You’re not an imposter. You’re a human being and we all - every one of us - feel that way sometimes. Use them regularly to help persuade you that you’re as deserving as the next person, and you’ve earned what you have.

  1. I am a genuine success, not an imposter.

  2. Others may think I'm a fraud, but I know I've earned every bit of my success.

  3. I am worthy of success, no matter what.

  4. My accomplishments are my own, and I am proud of my achievements.

  5. I am capable of achieving any goal I set for myself.

  6. My opinions and ideas are valuable.

  7. I am confident in my abilities and skills.

  8. I trust my instincts and make decisions with confidence.

  9. My mistakes don't define me, but my resilience does. 

  10. I am brave enough to face my fears and ask for help when needed.

  11. I am not alone and will persevere with support.

  12. I am worthy of love and respect and will not settle for anything less.