Test Success Affirmations (Download)

Test Success Affirmations (Download)

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This recording will help you improve your mindset around succeeding on tests and in your classes.

The affirmations are set to an upbeat track that can be used while you work out or move through your busy day.

Following are the affirmations. They are read in the first and second-person for maximum effect. The words "learning easy" and "acing tests" fill the space between the affirmations to place that thought firmly in your mind.

  1. I enjoy learning.

  2. I am a good learner.

  3. Learning come easy for me.

  4. I am smart and getting smarter every day.

  5. I absorb knowledge like a sponge.

  6. I am capable of learning of anything.

  7. I am prepared for my tests.

  8. I love taking tests.

  9. Tests are easy a breeze for me.

  10. A test is my chance to shine.